1. november-11.december, Galerija DLUL/DLUL Gallery, Breg 22


Razstavo Slovo sestavljajo fragmenti, ohranjeni ostanki istoimenskega filma, ki sami po sebi pričajo o nostalgiji, reminiscenci, bridkem spominu na preminuli čas mladega protagonista z njegovim dedkom. Skozi premišljeno izbiro kolorita ter materialov razstavljenih scenografij in lutk avtorju Leonu Vidmarju uspe zaobjeti duh slovesa do te mere, da ne preplavi samo junaka zgodbe, temveč tudi nas kot obiskovalce. Galerijski prostor se spremeni v bogat imaginarij avtorjevega narativa, ki ga v filmu uporabljena animirana filmska tehnika »sličica za sličico« le še poveže v subtilno pojmovanje slovesa.


Pri postavitvi artefaktov avtor sledi načelu naključnosti, kot se pojavlja pri spominu ali sanjah, kjer se sekvence vrstijo v neulovljivem, razumsko nelogičnem, a pomenljivem sosledju.


Razstavljeni fragmenti kljub nemosti spodbujajo obiskovalca k preiskovanju lastnih spominov, s pomočjo katerih se rekonstruirajo zgodbe, včasih bolj resnične od resničnosti same.

Sara Živkovič

Farewell is an exhibition made up of fragments, the remains of an eponymous film, which in themselves speak of nostalgia, reminiscence, bitter memories of the times the young protagonist spent with his late grandpa. Leon Vidmar uses a well-thought-out colour palette and materials for the exhibited sets and puppets, managing to conjure up an atmosphere of goodbye to the point that it overwhelms not just the protagonist, but us as the visitors as well. The gallery space turns into a lush imagery of the author’s narrative, bound in the film by its stop motion animation technique into a fragile perception of leave-taking.


In arranging the items on display, the author follows the principle of arbitrariness, the kind seen in memories and dreams, where scenes seem to come in impalpable, irrational, but telling sequences.


Despite their muteness, the displayed fragments inspire visitors to explore their own memories. Out of these memories, stories are reconstructed, sometimes more real than reality itself.

Sara Živkovič


Otvoritev razstave: sreda, 23. november, ob 18:00

Exhibition Opening: Wednesday, 23 November, at 6pm


Razstava odpira vrata v svet animatorja Leona Vidmarja in zakulisje njegovega kratkega animiranega filma Slovo. Popeljali vas bomo med kalupe, scenske rekvizite in lutke ter vam omogočili, da se tudi sami preizkusite v oživljanju neživega.


The exhibition gives a glimpse into the world of animator Leon Vidmar and behind the scenes of his animated short Farewell. It takes you among the moulds, set props and puppets, and gives you a chance to try your hand at animating the inanimate.


Vodstvo po razstavi z avtorjem: petek, 9. december, ob 16.00. /Author guided tour of the exhibition: Friday 9 December at 4pm.

Avtorja razstave/Exhibition Authors: Leon Vidmar, Jaka Kramberger
Avtorji razstavljenih eksponatov/Authors of Exhibits: Leon Vidmar, Jaka Kramberger, Mateja Rojc, Simon Hudolin, Marko Turkuš, Jerneja Kaja Balog, Žiga Lebar in/and Miloš Srdić
Postavitev razstave/Installation: Leon Vidmar, Jaka Kramberger, Miloš Srdić, Tjaša Križnar (Pirate Piška), Taj Pečnikar, Marko Makuc

Grafično oblikovanje/Graphic Design: Leon Vidmar
Fotografije in filmski posnetki/Photography and Video: ZVVIKS, zavod za film in avdiovizualno produkcijo
Glasba/Music: Tomaž Grom
Zvok/Sound: Julij Zornik
Prevodi v angleški jezik/English Translation: Maja Ropret
Pedagoško gradivo/Education Materials: Andreja Goetz
Koordinacija razstave/Exhibition Coordinator: Saša Bach
Produkcija/Production: Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta, ZVVIKS, zavod za film in avdiovizualno produkcijo, Društvo likovnih umetnikov Ljubljana


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